Sometimes you are given the chance to prepare for a telephone interview, but often the interviewers come out of the despondent when you answer your phone! Therefore take advance preparation which will be the key to your success. Though you do not know when the phone call arrives for the interview, it is very serious that you do not wait to begin preparing for the interview till you have the interview. You need to achieve your goal – selling yourself, your experience, your skills and your worth – with nothing but what would you say to the interview board.
Phone screen interview questions to ask employer
Here we are advising you some phone interview tips and tricks which will guide through you to the success and finally to get the job in this competitive market.

- Try to get the information whether you can take the call when it would come.
- Always have the necessary documents beside you at your finger tips.
- Prepare yourself for the common questions.
- Be smiling when you are on the phone.
- If you have the web portfolio or any complete profile, send it to your interviewer directly.
- Concentrate on your language and voice which should be loud and clear.
- Be confident in your answers.
- Try to avoid selfish questions like salaries and benefits as it is not the perfect time.
- Remember that your choosing words and language which you would use will motivate them.
- Without asking for the next step, do not hang up. In the meantime you can express yourself and you could share your experience, difficulties and the way how you had overcome it.
- Collect their contact detail and do not fail to send your detail.
- Lastly say thank you in a well mannered.
Remember that do not take a telephone interview as a chance, make it successful through our guidance.
Phone screen interview questions for administrative assistant
Do you have your skills with travel adjustments?
International travel? Did you adjust to domestic travel?
What are the problems of travel visa problems you have faced, and how did you solve this problem?
Are you accounted for processing reports of expenditure? How are they done?