How to share the road- Cycling rules of the road:
Cycling is huge fun and an outstanding way to get around here and there. Here are some few simple tips to stay safe when sharing the road.
• Be Seen by others – Always wear a high visibility or brightly colored clothing and use lights. Cycling rules of the road
• Be careful – Watch for whether car doors are opening, potholes, trash, aggravate, and pedestrians. Always check for left turning motor vehicles.
• Be conventional – Make your eye contact with, the other road users. Maintain a straight lane and don’t pass by the left hand side.
• Be positive with confidence – Use hand signals and ring the bells. Ride at least one meter from parking cars. Use the cycle lane.
• Cycling rules of the road– Follow the traffic, rules and choose the safest path. Cycling rules of the road.
• Try to be Patient – Slow down your bicycle near parking, area or lined up vehicles. Pass slowly and only when you are safe.
• Be Prepared for cycling – Wear an standard helmet and check your bike frequently – brakes, tires, chain, lights, reflectors etc.

Cycling rules of the road
Cycling rules of the road
The huge number of children using bicycles, for their school alone has rapidly decreased over the past few decades. mostly because parents worry about traffic risk. But teach them about road protection, and there’s no reason why kids, can’t enjoy the independence of cycling.
The principal anxiety of adults when it comes to kids walking and cycling to school is traffic hazard. This panic has driven kids into the backseat to be ferried about, with 42% of principal school kids now being determined to school. Travel safety tips.
Safety training for the road
Cycle training is existing for kids and adults to develop skills, and boost confidence. To find out about courses that would help, your kids gain the self-confidence to cycle to school.
Cycling rules of the road
a cycle helmet that conforms to current rules, is that the correct size and firmly mounted
appropriate garments for athletics. Avoid garments which can get tangled within the chain, or during a wheel or could obscure your lights
light-coloured or fluorescent covering that helps different road users to check you in daylight and poor lightweight
reflective covering and/or accessories (belt, arm or articulatio talocruralis bands) within the dark.
Most bus lanes could also be employed by cyclists as indicated on signs. be careful for individuals more matured or off a bus. Be terribly careful once reordering a bus or effort a traffic lane as you may be coming into a busier traffic flow. don’t pass between the curb and a bus once it’s at a stop.
Cycling rules You must not:
- ride a bicycle that’s being towed by another vehicle.
- hold on to a moving vehicle whereas riding a bicycle.
- lead AN animal whereas riding a bicycle.
- Riding with someone during a bicycle trailer
You can tow a toddler in or on a bicycle trailer if:
You are sixteen years or older
the child is beneath ten years recent ANd is carrying an approved helmet that’s firmly fitted and mounted, the bicycle trailer will safely carry the kid.