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Any Video converter or Change Video File type/Extensions Tips
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to 3G2
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to 3GP
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to FLV
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to MKV
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to MOV
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to MP4
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to MPEG-1
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to MPEG-2
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to OGG
Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to WEBM
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Video format change type/Extensions Tips or converter video for XBOX 360
Click Here to Video converter
Document (Doc to Docx) converter or Change Video File type/Extensions Tips
Document format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to DOC
Document format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to DOCX
Document format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to Flash
Document format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to HTML
Document format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to ODT
Document format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to PDF
Document format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to PPT
Document format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to RTF
Document format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to TXT
Click Here to Document converter
Any Audio converter or Change Video File type/Extensions Tips
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Audio file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AIFF
Audio file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to FLAC
Audio file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to M4A
Audio file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to MP3
Audio file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to OGG
Audio file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to OPUS
Audio file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to WAV
Audio file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to WMA
Click Here to Audio converter
Any Audio converter or Change Video File type/Extensions Tips
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to BMP
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to EPS
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to GIF
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to HDR/EXR
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to ICO
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to JPG
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to PNG
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to SVG
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to TGA
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to TIFF
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to WBMP
Image file format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to WebP
Click Here to Image converter
Archive converter or Change Video File type/Extensions Tips
Archive format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to 7Z
Archive format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to TAR.BZ2
Archive format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to TAR.GZ
Archive format change type/Extensions Tips or converter to AVI to ZIP
Click Here to Archive converter
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Convert files to GIF, Convert an image to the High dynamic-range (HDR) .EXR format
Convert your image to the ICO format, Online image converter to JPEG, Convert image to PNG, Convert image to the SVG format, Convert image to TGA format, Convert image to TIFF format, Convert image to WBMP (mobile format)
Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is a file format that compresses video files effectively but is not as standardized as QuickTime or AVI. There are actually several variations
of MPEG. The version generally used for Internet and CD-ROM is MPEG-1, which provides picture quality nearly comparable to VHS. MPEG I2 can provide SVHS picture quality. However, the key frame-based compression that makes MPEG popular for delivery of final video makes it unsuitable for high-quality editing. MPEG export is not built into Premiere, but Premiere-compatible plug-in modules are available from other companies or may be included in some video-card bundles.
Streaming video
Streaming video resembles conventional television in that video is sent to you frame-by-frame, without downloading a large file to your hard drive. Streaming video export is not built into Premiere, but Premiere-compatible plug-in modules are available from other companies or may be included in some video-card bundles. Streaming video on the Web is-constrained by the limited bandwidth (56 Kbps or less) of most consumer modems. However, streaming video can be deployed effectively within intranets where high-speed bandwidth is more readily available.
About creating a video file for use in other software
Premiere exports to many formats readable by other applications. For example, you can export a QuickTime movie for use in Adobe After Effects. When preparing to export to a video file for use in other video-editing or special effects software, answer the following questions:
• What file formats and compression methods does the other software import? This helps determine which format you will use to export.
• Will you be transferring across computer platforms? This may constrain the choice of file formats and compression methods further. Consider using high-quality cross-platform codec’s (transponders) such as QuickTime Motion JPEG A or B, or the Animation codec.
• Will you be superimposing the Premiere clips over other clips? If so, preserve alpha channel transparency when exporting from Premiere.
Correcting mistakes
If you change your mind or make a mistake, Premiere provides several ways to undo your work. You can undo only those actions that alter the video program; for example, you can undo an edit, but you cannot undo scrolling a window.
To correct mistakes:
Do one of the following:
• To undo the most recent change, choose Edit > Undo. You. can undo tip to the 32 most recent changes made to the program through the Timeline or Program view. In other views and windows, you can undo only the most recent change.
• To undo all changes made since the last time you saved the project, choose File > Revert.
• to undo changes made before the last time you saved a project, try opening a previous version of your project which may be stored in the Project Archive folder. The degree to which you can go back depends on the settings you specified for automatic project archiving and how often you saved. See “Saving and auto saving a project” on page 66.
• To stop a change that Premiere isn’t finished processing (for example, you sec a progress bar), press the Esc key.
• To close a dialog box without applying changes, click Cancel.
You can specify the number of steps that can be undone in the Timeline. Specifying more steps increases memory requirements, but does not affect performance.
To set the number of undo levels for the Timeline:
1 Choose File > Preferences > Auto Save/Undo.
2 In the Undo Levels section, type a number for Levels to Undo ( 1 to 32) and click OK.
3 Exit and restart Premiere. You do not have to restart the computer.