Here are some tips to help you stay safe and healthy while using your mobile phone:
- Use headphone/Bluetooth kit while driving and keep your eyes on the road.
- Never type sms/mms/email while driving because it is illegal and very risky.
- If you have more safety anxiety, try to use a handsfree toolkit to reduce EME exposure to your head.
- Use your mobile phone in the excellent network coverage areas.
- Pedestrians using mobile phones should remain aware to traffic and other obstructions.
- Turn off your mobile phone at the power-point when not in use
- Always purchase standard mobile handsets and accessories. Non brands may be cheaper but they use poorer materials and are not tested for protection. more safety tips
Cell phone tips ..
- Turn off your phone’s Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
- Use two-step authentication
- Create a smart password strategy
- Use HTTPS on every website.
- Don’t hide your home Wi-Fi.
- Think twice before buying an Internet-connected device
- Bulk up your home Wi-Fi. Safety topic see more

For everything else? Use a password manager. This type of program stores all your passwords online, so you can make each one different, and you won’t have to remember them all. ref
- If you have a smart phone with GPS facility, you can download the Emergency apps for free from iTunes or the Google Play store. Apps will find out your global positioning with the help of high quality network.
- Ignore cyber terrorizes and do not reply to bullying messages. Block them or/and report for them.
- Only you can give your mobile number to those people whom you know and trust.
- Try not to use your mobile phone to converse with unfamiliar persons. Only text is allowed.
- Never reply for those text messages that you don’t know. Cell phone tips
- Know how to block people to call to your mobile phone. Using your caller id you can block any incoming calls or block any individual names and numbers. Mobile safety tips
- Make a note of your Electronic Serial Number (ESN) or your International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number. You can locate out your IMEI number by pressing *#06# on your mobile phone’s touchpad, it will display a 15 digit number which is your IMEI number.
- If you lost your phone or stolen anyhow, report to your local police station immediately and your network operator also.
- You should not take photos or videos of anyone with the help of your smart phone if you do not have their permission. Also you should not allow any unknown person to take your photos which could be posted to the internet. Cell phone security tips
Personal Data security Tips | Protection sensitive data law
Personal information data protection: Many data and information stored on a computer is personal and needs to be kept confidential. People want to keep their pay, bank details, and medical records private and away from the view of just anybody Personal Data security see more
Mobile phone use whereas driving is common, however it’s wide thought of dangerous because of its potential for inflicting distracted driving and accidents. because of the quantity of accidents that ar associated with cellular phone use whereas driving, some jurisdictions have created the employment of a cellular phone whereas driving black. several jurisdictions have enacted laws to ban hand-held transportable use
Mobile phones and driving safety
Tips for keeping your mobile device and knowledge safe and secure, Always lock your device, don’t leave it lying around open. That manner a arcanum can ought to be entered to activate the device. A strong arcanum includes a mix of higher and graphic symbol letters and numbers. ne’er store arcanums on your phone or pill and keep your password a secret!
Keep the software package on your phone up up to now. Most makers supply updates frequently which frequently embody security updates. Tips for keeping Cell phone security tips
Dr. Gupta discusses safety recommendations from each makers and also the Federal Communications Commission for numerous devices, together with Blackberry and iPhone.
Anderson Cooper and Dr. Gupta conjointly discuss advised safety precautions folks will take, like employing a primary solid solution bead and Air tube receiver. Avoiding use once in low signal areas was conjointly suggested. Bluetooth technology is mentioned as the simplest way to scale back exposure. On this page you’ll learn the way RF Safe created Bluetooth headsets even safer victimisation proprietary air tube technology with a radiation secure body clip. Hottest product in demand for 2014. ref Cell Phone Radiation Safety Tips
Cyber safety tips:
Not once trust any thinks you read without getting dependable source.
Always use a strong password for email address or any others account. For strong password take a mixed letter upper/lower, symbol and numeric number.
Don’t fillip your credit card information unauthorized website.
Careful what you post or share, anything possible to tracking everything, so don’t post illegal acritical anywhere on the internet.
Check your security setting that is social networking has set to private.
Don’t accept any unknown friend request any social media website. see more–
Try these mobile safety tips:
- Keep your phone with you
- If you’re worried about someone taking it, keep it hidden from sight
- Be careful with your number
- Only give it to your friends and people that you trust
- Don’t lend your phone to someone you don’t know
- Or put it in a place where other people could get hold of it
- Use a PIN
- Most phones allow you to lock your phone with a PIN code. If you don’t have the code you can’t unlock it, so if anyone steals your phone they won’t be able to use it
- Don’t be pressured to give your number out
- If someone is pressuring you into giving them your number, tell someone about it such as a teacher or a parent
- Switch your Bluetooth off
- If you have Bluetooth on your phone, keep it switched off when you are not using it. Cell phone or mobile safety tips
Cell phone tips
Mobile tricks and tips Common mobile secret codes:
Show the IMEI Number = International Mobile Equipment Identity
press 1 for longer than aone second:
> Dial mailbox number (mailbox number must bve specified in the settings)
press # for longer than one seconds:
Activate/deactivate silent profile
Show Software Version (Nokia and Samsung devices)
Top Computer safety tips and ruls:
- Install registered anti-virus and scans regularly.
- Install protective or reliable Software.
- Select strong password, for example for create unique password – letters, numbers, and special symbol for safety your pc/laptop/computer .
- Always backup your important data and files. Backup’s save your computer if unexpected damaged.