The work of Prostitution in called Professional of sex. Any Prostitution profession work on their own plan, They act in different environments: open air, closed places and inside vehicles, in irregular schedules. In the exercise of some of their activities they can be exposed to vehicles gases, to bad weather, to sound pollution and to social discrimination.
Prostitution law in Brazil:
Prostitution law varies widely from country to country, Prostitution in Brazil in legal. Brazil is no any lows for Prostitution business or exchanging sex for money. Recently organization world cup event in Brazil.
Prostitution rate in Brazil:
Brazil: Prostitution rate-> $5.50 for 13 year old girl
Brazil: Prostitution rate-> Brothel (Rio): $60 entry fee at Centaurus
Brazil : Prostitution rate-> Vila Mimosa, Rio: $20
Brazil is geared up one million prostitutes for the fifa world cup 2014. Brazil Govt. has launched a crackdown but there are fears the Fifa World Cup 2014 will bring an arrival of foreign customers.
Brazil Child Prostitution:
Child prostitutes compulsory to cash-in on fans at Brazil Fifa World Cup 2014. Child prostitution is illegal but the rules are rarely enforced
Brazil Prostitution Open Place and Brazil Prostitution in Hotel: Brazil is the world’s largest Catholic country and was also in a dictatorship until the mid-1980s. As the country becomes more tolerant talking about sex has become more public and mainstream – one obvious way this has happened is in the greater acceptance of pornography. “Family” stars such as singer Rita Cadillac, soap actor Alexandre Frota and TV dancer Viviane Rodrigues have all made porn films. This hasn’t finished off their careers – if anything, it has made them more famous.
The district has been running for 16 years, though attempts have been made to make it more respectable for the four-week festival of football, with outside barbecues, bunting and TVs in bars.
With the average national wage less than £200 a month, the working girls can earn up to four times that. On the main thoroughfare at the heart of the red light district, women in various states of undress pole dance or pose provocatively for long lines of passing punters.