Auto Internet Active
GP: Go to message option>Create New Message>Type ALL>Send to 8080
Robi Auto Internet: Dial *140*7#
Airtel Android Settings > More >Mobile Network > Access point > go
BanglaLink: Go to message option>Create New Message>Type ALL>Send to 3343
GP internet setting
- *500*50# – Grameen phone internet Your handset settings
- *566*10# – Check Your Grameen phone subscription status
- *500*60# – Check Your Grameen phone internet usage
- *500*41# – Your Grameen phone internet Start/Active Auto Renewal
- *500*40# – Deactivate Grameen phone internet running package
- *500*42# – Deactivate Grameen phone Auto Renewal Internet package
GP Activation Codes, Price & Validity:
MB/ GB | For Active Code | Taka | Validity/ Days | Others Note |
2GB | *121*3242# | 41 | 2 | |
250MB | *121*3083# | 31 | 3 | |
1GB Weekly | *121*3056# | 86 | 7 | |
1.5GB | *121*3344# | 104 | 7 | |
2GB Weekly | *121*3058# | 129 | 7 | |
4GB Weekly | *121*3084# | 179 | 7 | |
6GB | 148 | 7 | (3GB Regular + 3GB 4G) | |
10GB | *121*3133# | 198 | 7 | (5GB Regular + 5GB 4G) |
555MB | *121*3007# | 149 | 28 | |
1GB | *121*3390# | 189 | 28 | |
1538MB | *121*3027# | 229 | 28 | |
3GB | *121*3391# | 279 | 28 | |
5GB | *121*3392# | 399 | 28 | |
10GB | *121*3393# | 649 | 28 | |
Emergency data loan (12MB) | *121*3021# | 5 | 2 | |
Facebook 7 Days | *121*3023# | 6 | 7 | |
Facebook 28 Days | *121*3024# | 18 | 28 |
Internet Activate 3G and 4G Set configuration GrameenPhone internet Auto & Manual Activate or Setup or Configuration. Banglalink internet Auto & Manual Activate or Setup or Configuration. Airtel internet Auto & Manual Activate or Setup or Configuration. Robi internet Auto & Manual 2G 3G and 4G Activate or Setup or Configuration. Teletalk internet Auto & Manual 2G and 3G Activate or Setupr Configuration, configuration internet all handset and internet
Auto active and Manual Handset Configuration Internet setup for any mobile device or android mobile phone set… Here two ways for internet setting a) Auto Internet setting b) Manual internet setting .

Internet active & Handset Configuration- GP, Banglalink, Airtel, Robi, Teletalk
GRAMEENPHONE/anglalink, Airtel, Robi, Teletalk GP Internet active or Configuration Setting and GP-2G, 3G and 4G
GRAMEENPHONE/GP Internet active or Configuration Setting and GP-3G and 4G
Auto Internet Active (GrameenPhone internet configuration)
- Go to message option>Create New Message>Type ALL>Send to 8080
- Example: ALL
- Send to 8080
- Or,
- Dial *111*6*2#
- Note: This is free of cost.
Manual handset setting for WAP Setting for mobile set (GrameenPhone internet configuration)
- GP WAP Setting:
- Connection/Profile: GP-WAP
- APN(Access Point Name): gpwap
- IP:
- Port: 8080
- Homepage:
Internet price details GP-2G 3G … also GP 4G packages Information
GP/GrameenPhone MMS Setting or Configuration:
- Connection/Profile: GP-MMS
- APN(Access Point Name): gpmms
- IP:
- Port: 8080
- Homepage:
Internet price details GP-2G... . also GP 3G packages Information
GP/GrameenPhone INTERNET Setting or Device configuration:
- Connection/Profile: GP-INTERNET
- APN(Access Point Name): gpinternet
- IP:
- Port: 8080
- Homepage:
Internet price details GP-2G... also GP 4G packages Information
ROBI Internet active or Configuration Setting
Auto Internet Active or configuration
- Dial *140*7#
- Note: Charges applicable!
Robi Manual handset setting for WAP internet configuration
- Robi WAP Setting:
- Connection/Profile: Robi-WAP
- APN(Access Point Name): wap
- IP:
- Port: 9201
- Homepage:
See here Robi 3G internet packages details rate.
Robi MMS handset setting:
- Connection/Profile: Robi-MMS
- APN(Access point Name): WAP
- IP:
- Port: 9201
- Homepage:
- Robi INTERNET Setting:
See here Robi 3G internet packages details rate.
Connection/Profile: Robi-INTERNET- handset setting
- APN(Access Point Name): internet
- IP:
- Port: 9201
- Homepage:
See here Robi 3G internet packages details rate.
Tag: Free Banglalink Internet Packages Prices Activation codes Banglalink gprs setting, gp net configuration, gp internet setting for android mobile, airtel internet settings bangladesh, ACCOUNTbanglalink mobile internet setting, how to set, airtel net settings, configuration for teletalk, gp mms setting for iphone, banglalink manual internet setting, grameenphone android internet setting, grameenphone internet unlimited package, banglalink internet connection, teletalk 3g internet setting for android, banglalink handset setting, airtel bangladesh manual internet settings, grameen phone handset configuration, airtel manual internet settings,See here Robi 3G internet packages details rate. internet, airtel internet configuration settings, net setting for airtel Click here Banglalink Internet Packages Prices Activation codes
BANGLALINK Internet active or Configuration Setting
BANGLALINK Auto Internet Active or Auto Configuration:
- Go to message option>Create New Message>Type ALL>Send to 3343
- Example: ALL
- Send to 3343
- Note: This is free of cost.Click here Banglalink Internet Packages Prices Activation codes
Manual handset setting WAP Internet setting (BANGLALINK Internet configuration)
Banglalink WAP Setting or configuration:
- Connection/Profile: Banglalink-WAP
- APN(Access Point Name): blwap
- IP:
- Port: 8799
- Homepage:
See here BanglaLink 3G internet packages details rate.
Banglalink Manual handset setting MMS Setting or configuration:
- Connection/Profile: Banglalink-MMS
- APN(Access Point Name): blmms
- IP:
- Port: 8799
- Homepage:
See here BanglaLink 3G internet packages details rate.
Banglalink Manual handset settint for INTERNET:
- Connection/Profile: Banglalink-WEB
- APN(Access Point Name): blweb
- IP:
- Port: 8799
- Homepage:
See here BanglaLink 3G internet packages details rate.
AIRTEL active or Configuration Setting
Auto Internet Active or Internet configuration
- Dial *121*7*3#
- Note: This is free of cost
Airtel Manual handset setting fpr WAP internet configuration or setting
- Airtel WAP Setting:
- Connection/Profile: Airtel WAP
- APN(Access Point Name): wap
- IP:
- Port: 8080
- Homepage:
See here BD Airtel 3G internet packages details rate.
Airtel Manual handset setting for MMS Setting configuration or setting:
- Connection/Profile: Airtel MMS
- APN(Access Point Name): mms
- IP:
- Port: 8080
- Homepage:
See here BD Airtel 3G internet packages details rate.
Airtel Manual handset setting for INTERNETconfiguration:
- Connection/Profile: Airtel Internet
- APN(Access Point Name): internet
- IP:
- Port: 8080
- Homepage:
See here BD Airtel 3G internet packages details rate.
TELETALK Internet active or Configuration Setting
- Auto Internet Active
- Go to message option>Create New Message>Type set>Send to 111 or 578
- Example: setbot
- Send to 111 or 578
- Note: This is free of cost.
See here TeleTalk 3G internet packages details rate.
Teletalk Manual handset setting for internet configuration
- Teletalk WAP Setting:
- Connection/Profile: T-Talk WAP
- APN: wap (for regular) or gprsunl (for unlimited)
- IP:
- Port: 9201
- Homepage:
See here TeleTalk 3G internet packages details rate.Click here Banglalink Internet Packages Prices Activation codes. Click here Grameenphone 2G Internet Packages Activate. Android Smartphone error problem & solution.